Fish Pedicure

Everybody in this world needs to be healthy and people have done many ways to do this. Some people go the the doctor to check their health to be always good in body and soul, and the others do the alternative ways.

In Indonesia, there are some medication (or therapy thing) and choices to make our body stays health, or at least be well. One of the way is by doing fish pedicure. Indonesian people call it "Terapi Ikan" or fish therapy. Some Indonesian people believe that by doing that therapy, it can relax their feet and body.

Few years ago, fish therapy was so popular in Indonesia. It was very easy to get that because people can find it in nearly of big mall in Indonesia. It became the trending at the moment. But when the trend has gone, people can't find it at the mall, none of the mall. Yet, Indonesian people can still find it in a few village that have good waters or fish cultivation.

Why people would like to do this? The answer is because they want to feel good and relaxing, absolutely.

The thing that we have to do to get this fish therapy is we have to put our feet into a pond that contains of tens or hundreds fishes. The name of the fish that usually used for this therapy is Garra Rufa. Those fishes will come to our feet to suck them gently by themselves. There are the very small to the middle and  big ones. At the first and second time, it feels so tickle on our feet. But for the next time, our feet will get used to it.

There are some benefits by doing fish therapy. It can clean our feet skin, unleash blood circulation, and eliminate the bacterial. But unfortunately, not only the benefits the people get from it, but also the bad effects when people are doing that. With using a dirty pond and water, it can cause people who have a low immune will be infected the bacteria easily.

So, if you want to do fish therapy or fish pedicure, make sure that everything is clean and sterile to get the advantages of it. 


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