Asinan Sayur, Indonesian Salad and One of Indonesian Favorite Food

In some western countries have salad, in Indonesia has Asinan. There are two kinds of Asinan; Asinan Buah or Fruit Asinan and Asinan Sayur or Vegetable Asinan. But Asinan that I want to tell you is Asinan Sayur.

Just like salad, the main ingredients of Asinan Sayur is vegetables. The thing that make it a bit different is the dressing or the sauce. 

The word Asinan comes from asin, which means salty. It relates to how this food made. According to the history about the dish is the process of making it through salting the vegetables with salt or pickling one the vegetables with vinegar. 

It is very easy to make Asinan Sayur. We only need some vegetables, such as: cucumber, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, and lettuce. And for the complementary we need fried peanut, tofu, yellow noodle, and kerupuk (Indonesian traditional chip). For the sauce we need peanut, palm sugar, tamarind, salt, chili, and water.


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